How to Perform a Lymphatic System Massage

How to Perform a Lymphatic System Massage

Massage is beneficial for more than stress relief. While lowering your stress is important, a greater benefit of massage is improved health. Your lymphatic system helps maintain your immune system and nourishes your cells, but it doesn't have a pump system like your circulatory system, therefore its movement is up to you. The lymphatic massage is a perfect way to relax and get your lymph system pumping at the same time.

Things You'll Need:

Massage oil

Facial moisturizer

Stage 1: Face


Cover your face with facial moisturizer.


With the sides of your index fingers, massage your forehead in an up-and-down motion. After the forehead massage, rub your temples and work your way down to the bottom front of your ears.


Massage your cheek bones from the outside of your nose to the outside of your cheeks below your outer eye. Continue using the sides of your index fingers but use a vibrating touch.


When you reach the outside of your cheekbones, lower your jaw and open your mouth. Place three fingers in the hollow below your outer cheekbone and massage with circular motions. While doing this, place your thumbs below your ears and behind your jaw and vibrate. Move your fingers toward the center of your cheekbones, and vibrate your thumbs down your jawline until they meet together at your chin.


Relax your neck muscles on your right side by tilting your head to the right. Take your left hand and stroke your fingertips down the right side of your neck and then across the shoulder. Do this eight times on the right side, then repeat the steps with your left side.

Upper Body Lymphatic Massage


Rub your arms and upper body with massage oil. Holding your left arm in front of you, take your right hand and using your fingertips, lightly stroke the inside of your arm from your wrist to the inside of your elbow. At your inner elbow, massage in a circular motion for about 60 seconds, then continue up your arm to the armpit. When you reach your armpit, do the circular motions once again and then pinch and squeeze your skin. This forces the lymph fluid out into circulation.


Use light strokes to move from the armpit, across your breast to to the center of your chest. Repeat this entire process with your right arm.


At the center of your breast bone, massage in a circular motion.


From the center of your abdomen, use strokes that go across your rib cage and out towards your armpit.

Lower Body Lymphatic Massage


Rub massage oil over your legs. Use your left hand and massage your toes with circular motions. Be sure to get in between toes as well. Using light strokes with your fingertips, move up to your ankle where you will use circular motions around the entire ankle. Continue upward from ankle to the calf. Be sure to get the front and back of the calf.


Massage from the calf to the knee, and at the knee use circular motions. Use the palms of your hands and stroke from your knee to your upper thigh. When you reach the top of your thigh and you are below the buttocks, use firm circular motions.


On the front of your thigh stroke upward and across the groin area. Try to do both sides at the same time. Move the palms of your hands upward, across the groin area, until they come together at your abdomen. Go over your groin area several times as many lymph nodes are in this area.


When both hands meet at your abdomen, stroke downward to your groin area once more.

Tips & Warnings

Be sure to use moisturizer on your face and oil on your body, as massaging dry skin can cause breakage and pulling.

How to Perform a Lower Back Chiropractic Adjustment

How to Perform a Lower Back Chiropractic Adjustment

Thousands of Americans suffer from lower back pain. There are a number of ways to ease back pain, including anything from herbal remedies to spinal surgery. One way to relieve acute or chronic lower back pain is through a chiropractic lower back adjustment.


Examine the patient's back before the chiropractic adjustment. If the patient's back is swollen, give her an anti-inflammatory and ask her to wait or come back at a different time. Wait for the swelling to go down before you perform an adjustment.


Ask the person receiving the chiropractic adjustment to sit on a flat surface and cross her arms in front of her body. Have the patient stretch her legs out in front of her.


Place her hands on her shoulders. This creates tension in her lower back and spine.


Tuck her chin into her body and place one of your hands on the nape of her neck.


Place your other hand on the patient's lower back. Your hand needs to be at the base of the spine, with your fingers pointing toward her neck. Be sure the center of your palm is in the center of the base of the patient's spine.


Lean the patient backward. Push up on her spine with the palm of your hand to deliver the chiropractic lower back adjustment.

Tips & Warnings

Sometimes a pop is heard during the adjustment. This sound is air in the spine. Many times the air is what causes the patient's lower back discomfort.

Never perform a lower back adjustment if the patient's back is swollen or inflamed.

How to Perform a Colon Cleanse with OxyPowder

How to Perform a Colon Cleanse with OxyPowder

How to do a simple colon cleanse with oxypowder, and some of the benefits you'll see.

Things You'll Need:




In the evening you want to start by taking 4 capsules of Oxypowder with an 8 ounce glass of water. You will be looking to have 3-5 bowel movements each day. If this is not the case increase the dosage by 2 until you you see the desired result. Once you have started having 3-5 bowel movements each day, this will count as day 1.


Day 2 - 7 of the 7 Day Cleanse will be repeating this dosage with a glass of water every day. Also, you are recommended to drink plenty of water during the day during your cleanse.


If you would like to continue using oxypowder long term to help maintain a healthy system, you can continue taking the same dosage every other day.

Tips & Warnings

OxyPowder is:

100% safe

kosher certified

manufactured under current Good Manufacturing Practices

NOT habit forming

can be taken daily, however taken every other day for maintenance following a cleanse is found to be effective.

does not interfere with medications and prescriptions (but check with your doctor first)

1/2 the normal dosage can be taken by pregnant or nursing mothers. However if your child's stool becomes watery, you should reduce your dosage until it returns to normal.

safe for use with
, however checking with your doctor first is recommended just in case. Safety First!

It is important to avoid the following things during your cleanse.

processed foods


carbonated drinks

caffeinated drinks

fried foods

fatty foods

How to Perform a Breathing Meditation

How to Perform a Breathing Meditation

One of the best ways to develop mindful presence is through breathing meditation practices. The following is a practice of the yoga three-part breath that I recommend to my clients.


Place your hands on your belly. Recognize that your lungs go from the top of your chest to the lower part of your rib cage. Imagine that your lungs are like balloons that expand when air moves in and deflate when air moves out.


Inhale deeply enough to fill the bottom of your lungs. Feel your hands rise as your belly rises with your inhale. Feel your hands fall as your belly falls with your exhale. Practice breathing into the bottom part of your lungs for 20 breaths.


Place your hands underneath your chest.


Inhale only enough to push out your hands. Feel your hands rise as your diaphragm rises and expands with your inhale. Feel your hands fall as your diaphragm falls with your exhale. Practice breathing into the middle part of your lungs for 20 breaths.


Place your hands on your chest.


Inhale only enough to push out your hands. This is a shallower breath. Feel your hands rise as your chest rises and expands with your inhale. Feel your hands fall as your chest falls with your exhale. Practice breathing into the upper part of your lungs for ten breaths.


Now put the three parts of the breath together. Place your hands over your belly and your chest. Think of your body like a vase being filled with water. When you pour water into a vase, it fills the bottom, middle, and top in that order. When you pour water out of a vase, it empties from the top, middle, and finally bottom. This is how you want to breathe.


Inhale deeply and feel your belly rise, then feel your diaphragm rise, finally feel your chest rise.


Exhale and feel your chest fall, your diaphragm fall, and finally your belly fall.


Repeat this breath for five minutes. Try this breathing exercise twice a day for five minutes each sitting, build to 20 minutes twice a day. While you are breathing, you may recognize that your attention wanders. You may start thinking about what you want for lunch. Recognize that as a thought and without judgment let it pass through your mind like a cloud passing in the sky. You may remember something hurtful. Recognize that as a thought, too, and without judgment let it pass. Continue to sit and breathe.


The purpose of this exercise is to help you train your mind to stay present and focused. With each breath, take the opportunity to open your awareness and become more mindful of your current experience. There are many other meditation techniques that can help you develop mindful presence. Books by Jon Kabat-Zinn and Pema Chodron are excellent resources for learning about developing mindful presence.

How to Pass a Hard Stool

How to Pass a Hard Stool

Can't pass that hard one? Don't like meds? This is easy and works for me every time. No medicine or other drugs needed for this to work.

Things You'll Need:

Nothing to buy.


Relax and extend your legs out in front of you. I know this sounds weird, but it has helped me many, many times without fail. The position itself is comfortable and aids in the process. Make sure that you are not cramped up in too small a space. You want your legs to be straight.


Cross them at the ankles, so that your legs are extended straight out in front of you. You will be holding a relaxed pose.


Squeeze your legs together as you press out the stool. Remember, alternately squeeze then press. Any combination of the two will work.


Push the stool out. Relax. Then repeat the steps again as necessary. It will take practice to get the right rhythm, but practice makes perfect.

Tips & Warnings

It sounds crazy, I know, but it works every time.

Now, if you need something exta, get a tea called "Dieter's Tea". It comes in differnt flavors and works overnight. I use 2 bags with 2 equals (sugar substitute) the first time and one bag each day thereafter. It helps keep me regular with soft stools. It tastes good and found in most grocery stores. I purchase mine at the Neighborhood Walmart for under $4.

If you decide to get the Dieter's Tea, be sure to follow the directions and warning on the box.

How to Own and Manage a Spa

How to Own and Manage a Spa

If you have the desire to operate your own business, then the spa industry is one of the most potentially lucrative you can find. People enjoy going to spas to relax and feel better. In order to run your spa business, you need take the following steps to make it successful.

Things You'll Need:

Money to start your business

Good organization

A good business plan


Decide what type of spa you plan to run and which services you will offer clients. This needs to be established before you prepare to launch your business. For example, you may want to open a day spa, where customers come in for just a few hours or you might want to run a spa where people can come for a designated number of days. Services might include things like massages, nail care, facials and pedicures.


Make sure that the atmosphere in your spa is conducive to relaxation. Chairs should be comfortable, noise should be kept to a minimum and customers should be made to feel as though they are in the midst of luxury.


Make sure you have a competent, well-trained staff. You will save yourself time and frustration by hiring people who have previously worked in the spa or
field. While additional training may still be required, the amount of time it will take should be considerably less, if your staff already has relevant experience. Have regular meetings with staff to discuss topics, such as budgets, equipment and customer service.


Make sure that everything in your spa facility is hygienic. All tools and equipment should always be kept clean and sanitized, to avoid spreading germs or causing infections in customers. You want to keep people safe and also keep from being sued.


Get the word out. The spa business is extremely competitive, so do everything you can to let people know about your spa. Set up a professional-looking website that tells about your spa, describes your services, provides useful information and allows potential clients to make their appointments or reservations online. Get business cards and flyers to pass out. Yellow Pages advertising is a must, so create a well-placed, noticeable ad. If it's affordable, see if you can run a short radio or television spot.


Offer your customers "perks" for being loyal, such as gift certificates that are good for a free massage or facial. It will show your appreciation for their patronage and motivate them to refer others to you.


Keep customers content. Happy clients are more likely to return to your spa and let others know about you. When possible, offer discounts or other perks to loyal customers, especially those who bring you additional business by referring others.

How to Overcome Wheeziness the Natural Way

How to Overcome Wheeziness the Natural Way

Those of us who live with Asthma know how important it is to manage this condition.

This article will show you how to overcome wheeziness without having to use medication.

Things You'll Need:

Calm State of Mind



Sit with your back straight, chest out, stomach in.


Inhale slowly though your nose.

The nose is designed for breathing, it has hairs to filter dust and the special passages warm and moisten the air before it gets into the lungs.


Exhale slowly through your mouth.

Repeat steps 2 & 3 until wheeziness abates.

Tips & Warnings

Keep an asthma diary - the time, activity, possible trigger, etc. when asthma attacks occur

Take preventive medicine as prescribed

Keep inhaler handy in case of attack

Try to breathe through your nose at all times

Do not overeat, particularly just before going to sleep

Do not be afraid to use your inhaler at any time during this process, you know your own comfort level. This exercise is intended to be used during minor episodes of wheeziness.

As with all illnesses, consult with your physician to make sure your Asthma is under control before you attempt to manage it naturally.